
As a world heritage site located in Quang Nam, My Son Sanctuary is not only a beautiful destination but also a place containing many mysteries to discover.

My Son Sanctuary of Vietnam ranked 9th in the top 10 most beautiful and famous temples in Southeast Asia, was listed by UNESCO on the list of world cultural heritage in 1999. Currently, this place is included in the list of 23 critical national relics by the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Information about My Son Sanctuary

  • Address: My Son Sanctuary belongs to Duy Phu commune, Duy Xuyen district, Quang Nam province, about 69 km from Da Nang city and about 20 km from Tra Kieu ancient citadel.
  • Fares to visit My Son: VND 150,000/international visitor and VND 100,000/domestic tourist (a ticket includes tram transfer to the relic and cultural performances)
  • Opening time: From 6.30 am to 5.00 pm (the relic area is open all days of the year, including holidays and Tet).
  • General information: My Son Sanctuary is a complex consisting of many ancient Champa temples in a valley with a diameter of about 2km, surrounded by hills and mountains. Previously, it was the place of worship of the Champa dynasty as well as the burial place of the kings. The shrine is always considered one of the primary and most significant temples in Vietnam in particular and Southeast Asia in general.

My Son Sanctuary used to be recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. In the country, the government also agreed to put this place on the list of 23 nationally ranked especially essential sites that need to be preserved.

How to travel

To reach My Son Sanctuary, there are many means to go, but because the distance is not so long, buses and motorbikes are preferred by most people.

Buses from Da Nang to My Son

You can take bus number 06 to go from Da Nang to My Son according to the specific route information as following.

  • Route length: over 60km
  • Operating time: From 5.30 am to 5.00 pm daily with a schedule of 30 minutes/trip.
  • Route: Danang Central Bus Station - Dien Bien Phu - Le Duan - Hoang Hoa Tham - Ham Nghi - Le Dinh Ly - Nguyen Tri Phuong - Trung Nu Vuong - Duy Tan - Nui Thanh - August Revolution - Hoa Cam - National Highway 1A - Provincial Road 610 - My Son.
  • The total number of pick-up stations: 50 points.
  • Fares: Depending on the route, they range from VND 8,000 to 30,000/guest.

Motorbikes from Da Nang to My Son Sanctuary

The first route

From the National Highway 1, you go to the south to Nam Phuoc town (about 39km), then go to the west on National Highway 537 about 9km to Tra Kieu. From Tra Kieu, you move 12km further. When you reach the junction, turn left under the instruction board and go 9km further to My Sơn.

From My Son, you move a short distance of the mountain road for only 5 minutes and then walk along the stone path leading to My Son sanctuary.

The second route

From Hoa Cam flyover, you go along National Highway 14B to Nguyen Trai school, then turn left to go straight to Kiem Lam ferry terminal. Going through it, you follow Highway 537. Before reaching Nam Phuoc about 1 km, you will see a signboard to My Son. Continuing to move under the direction of the first route, and you will come to My Son Sanctuary.

Note: This route will help you save about 30 minutes compared to the first way, but the path is quite complex and rough.

Interesting things in My Son

  • This monument is entirely separate from the outside world, and it is surrounded by wild trees, not being obscured by the shops and restaurants. Within the campus, there is only one unit allowed to do business, which also has a plan and is in a proper position.
  • In My Son Sanctuary, the guides are mainly Quang Nam people. They are very passionate about the profession as well as the mission of giving you the enthusiasm for the spiritual values ​​of the relics.
  • Being one of the famous temples, but in My Son, there is no support for worshipping at the relic.
  • In My Son, there is absolutely no begging.
  • People in My Son area are very enthusiastic and willing to help when you need.